NaHA is an independent, secular, nongovernmental, non partisan and non- profit organization established in 2013 and dedicated to the promotion of human rights,

peace building and development. NaHA works closely with IDPs, vulnerable, needy populations and affected communities at the grassroots level, irrespective of their social, ethnic and religious backgrounds or political
affiliation to build resilience.     

  1.  Mitigate the human Suffering and reduce the economic and social impact of humanitarian emergencies and development.
  2.  Strengthen capacity building through trainings and community engagement.
  3.  Provide a livelihood opportunity through micro-funding.
  4. Develop environment activities.
  5. Deliver humanitarian assistance in emergency aspects.
  6.  NaHA executes a country –wide awareness raising project focusing on preparing grassroots communities for the constitution conference.
  7. Youth engagement, civic education and human rights in across the targeted States.
  8. Improve the overall Health, nutrition and WASH projects in Beleil and kass localities, Nyala- South Darfur State.
  9. Food security and livelihood projects in South Dafur
  10. Emergency interventions in Beleil Locality- Nyala.
  11. Education projects in South Darfur State

1. Late January 2022 up to Dec_2023 with support from ZOA Sudan, NaHA implemented DRA Joint Response 4 Project within the sphere of education and WASH in Nyala, South Darfur State.
2. March 2023 – Dec 2023 with Support from ZOA Sudan, NaHA implemented SIPRA Project in Nyala.
3. Nov 2023 – Dec 2023, WASH Services Hygiene Kits Projrct in Beleil Locality – Nyala, funded by NRC