Our Promise

Our Core Project

NaHA Organization works in partnership with many foreign organizations to implement projects in various fields including education, health, protection, gender and agriculture.

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Joint Response

in partisanship with ZOA Sudan NAHA is implementing the Sudan Joint Response 5 programe for2024-2026 funded by the Dutch Relief Alliance. JR5 Sudan aims to address needs of affected populations throth the course of 2024-2026 by provided multi-sectoral assistance to response to immediate needs of the most at-risk and conflict -affected population in targeted areas in south Darfur state only throgh atimly and efficient humanitraian response


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One of goals of SIPRA project to enhance capacities of Farmers to promote their livelihood and nutrition level, NAHA Organization In partnership with Zoa Organization and  cooperation  with Ministry Of Agriculture (MoA) Train 4 Groups as Farmers Field School (FFS)  that’s was established   in four area thy are Goruf, Domma, Marla south and marla north in Best Agriculture techniques , efficient use of water, Natural Resource Management and smart climate change agriculture in rain fed area. and engage them with ministry of agriculture.


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NaHA Nyala assigning agreement with Care Sudan to implement GAC Project funding from the canda

MUAC Screening Campaign

Regarding the malnutrition cases that occur among under five children, pregnant and lactating women in Kass locality (Boronga), we have done MUAC screening campaigns for the targeted groups (children, pregnant women and lactating mother) to know the real situation of malnutrition in the areas in addition to referral the patient cases to the nutrition center for recovery.


construction of learning space

The National Humanitarian Aid (NaHA) handed over once school classroom block with teachers’ office that NaHA completed its rehabilitation to the administration of Hamdan Abu Anja School on Monday, 16 December 2024. The learning space rehabilitation was part of the activities of the Joint Response Project (JR 5) targeted at improving education infrastructure in the two localities of Nyala North and Nyala South. In order to achieve this work, JR 5 partners NahA and ZOA worked in collaboration with South Darfur Ministry of Education (SMoE), Nyala North locality education office and school administration and PTA.

The National Humanitarian Aid (NaHA) handed over upgrading two hand pumps to mini water yards, that NaHA completed its upgrade to the administration of Ali Bin Abutalib & Balgiess School on Tuesday 31 December 2024.

The Improving access to water at schools through water harvesting infrastructure and/or safe water storage was part of the activities of the Joint Response Project (JR5) targeted at improving accessing to water in the two localities of Nyala North and Nyala South. In order to achieve this work, JR5 partners NahA and ZOA worked in collaboration with South Darfur Ministry of Education (SMoE), Nyala North locality education office , Water Authority(West) and school administration and PTA.

NaHA Nyala team approached the South Darfur State Ministry of Education and Guidance (some) to arrange a training workshop for primary school teachers on subjects identified by SMoE as most vital. SMoE director of training identified the training needs as refresher courses on teaching methodologies of mathematics, English and Arabic languages as the most urgent. The NaHA team made arrangements for the workshop for twenty-five (25) male and female school teachers from Nyala North and Nyala South localities that was successfully carried out starting on Monday, 25 August 2024 to Thursday, 29 August 2024. The teacher training workshop was part of the Joint Response Project (JR 5) between ZOA and NaHA with funding from the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA).


Construction/Rehabilitation of communal latrines in public areas

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SIPRA project has series of activities that’s to promot all targeting benificiaries in mershing and bilel localities, and it aims to improve their lovlihood and nutrision statuse according to build their capacities and developm producers approaches to increase the production.

Producer Association PAs training its one of that approaches to fulfil the project goals. and this PAs groups  trained in all steps which enables them to grow and cover their needs at the local level.


One of gaols of SIPRA project to enhace capacities of Farmers to promote their livlihood and nutrition level,NAHA Organization In partnership with Zoa Organization and  cooperation  with Ministry Of Agriculture (MoA) Train 4 Groups as Farmers Field School (FFS)  that’s was stabilished   in four area thy are Goruf, Domma, Marla south and marla north in Best Agriculture techniques , efficient use of water, Natural Resource Management and smart climate change agriculture in rain fed area. and engage them with ministry of agriculture.

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Item #1

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The IYCF campaign

The IYCF campaign aimed to assist men’s and women’s Boys Girls to become more engaged and promote improving caregivers practices including exclusive breast feeding for the first 6 months and continue breast feeding for 2 years and building capacity for community in nutrition culture.

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MUAC Screening Campaign

Regarding the malnutrition cases that occur among under five children, pregnant and lactating women in Kass locality (Boronga), we have done MUAC screening campaigns for the targeted groups (children, pregnant women and lactating mother) to know the real situation of malnutrition in the areas in addition to referral the patient cases to the nutrition center for recovery.